This Week
Now, it is more important than ever to stay connected. Check our our midweek virtual meetings below and if you would like to have a personal phone conversation or zoom video chat with a pastor, please let us know.
Sunday Mornings:
Sunday Mornings at 11am we are meeting back inside our sanctuary with the windows open for better airflow. We are also streaming. You can watch on our YouTube channel or on our homepage.
Tuesday Evening Bible Study
Pastor Ed leads a teleconference call on Tuesday evenings. To join this study please email Ed at [email protected] and dial (605) 313-5685 and enter access code 374380.
Tuesday Evening College and 20's Fellowship
A group of college students, twenty somethings, young professionals get together each Tuesday evening at 7:00pm to share in a homemade dinner and have a time of Bible study and prayer. Please contact us if you are interested in joining.
Wednesday Evening Zoom Bible Study
On Wednesday evenings at 7pm we gather together via a live Zoom video group to have a time of the study of Scripture, prayer, and fellowship. If you would like the Zoom connection info please contact us.